Friday, November 22, 2019

Long Time, No See

Howdy Folks,

So, it has been a hot minute since we've written one of these, but there's a good reason, I promise. I spent the month of October in Italy, then immediately dove into Nanowrimo. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten much work on Fated, as we had promised we would, but it is for a good reason -- we got a full manuscript request for Frostfire!

After attending a writing conference in Atlanta for the very first time, we finally found someone interested in reading our manuscript! The conference as a whole was a great expereince, and we will definetly be trying to hit another one in the future.

We got some great feedback on our story, and, as such, have been wildly hammering at some edits -- mainly, trying to edit the second "half" of the orig story that we broke off to make two books so we can smush them back into one. It has been insane pouring hours into editing these chapters, but so much fun, and we cannot wait to see where this opportunity will take us.

On top of all of that, I also am trying to get ready to move states After Christmas. I finally got a permanent job with the parkservice in Texas. It;s a bit of a move, but I keep telling myself it is technically only temporary, as after I put in my time (usually about three years), I can look for someplace else.

We have smashed out some other first drafts, though, and have been prepping for another soon to come. It is tentatively titled "Dead In The Shadows" and features an embittered necromancer as he struggles with his growing seperation from the humans around him as he begins to live beyond what would have been his mortal years. Just as he is planning his escape from his endentured service to the king, a lover he thought long lost reappears -- to kill him. It is packed full of drama as we explore themes of isolation, the human need to connect, and love.

Hope everyone is doing well as we fast approach the holidays. Hopefully we will have more news for you all soon, good, bad, or otherwise.

Until Next Time,
Anna Harpe

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