Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Love Is Love

Howdy Folks,

So, those of you that have read Frostfire (or listened to Lauren and myself natter endlessly about it), are likely aware that it is a story involving the long  development of intimacy and trust between two men. A common question we receive after explaining this fact to someone asking about the story is "why" we wrote a story about two men, and we have two parts to that answer.

My answer comes from what I have seen of the fiction available featuring Male x Male couples. I have a long history of reading yaoi and gay fiction. It is not my sole source of fiction, but I do enjoy it as much, if not more, than the standard Male x Female fiction, especially if it includes elements such as the struggle to be accepted. But I also found that far too many of the fiction pieces featured relationships built on abuse and even rape. I wanted to write a story -- well, let's be honest -- stories featuring complex, but healthy relationships between non-hetero couples.

Additionally, in Lauren's words, we want to normalize. We want to keep writing queer fiction to help create a space where no one feels compelled to ask us why anymore. It is just normal -- in all genres. We hope, in the future, to publish not just stories featuring two men, but many other types of relationships in other genres. 

Until Next Time,

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